Mourning George Y. Paldi

Dear Skålleagues, Friends,

This is with great regret that I must inform you on the passing away of George Y. Paldi, our friend, colleague, former Club and National President, International Councilor and Honorary President of Skål International Hungary / Budapest, aged 82, on Christmas Day 24 December 2020.

George pioneered in reviving Skål International in Budapest in 2004 and he made Skål International a real international business club with 100 members in 3 clubs in Hungary, having established Skål International Budapest, Skål International East Hungary in Debrecen as well as Skål International Lake Balaton (later Skål International West Hungary) in Hévíz, in just 2 years.

Beside countless managerial and independent consultancy functions in the hotel and catering industry in several countries (Israel, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Hungary), he was a Skål International member from 1973 (Nairobi, Kenya) and played a key role in establishing Skål International Mombasa, Kenya in 1974.

When becoming the founder of the renewed Skål International Budapest Club in 2004 he immediately facilitated the founding of further clubs in the countryside as well as the twinning of Skål International Budapest with SI Dublin, SI Cape Winelands, and SI San Francisco in a matter of a few years. I was a personal witness to George’s searching for Skål International contacts for meetings in any country during his business and leisure trips alike around the world, to practice in real life the best of what today we call the spirit of Skål.

He practiced and taught to always live a la Skål, and spared no time and energy thinking about Skål International and making it better by advising the new leadership of Skål International Hungary to always act as international as possible. Whenever organizing Skål International events of any scale he wanted to stand out of the crowds by fighting for and making real extraordinary ideas, always in favor of Skål International, at any local or international level.

One of our greatest achievements together was the most successful 70th Skål International World Congress in Budapest in 2009, with 1000 participants from 75 countries, a real celebration of professionals and true friendship in Skål International.

We are praying that his soul may rest in peace and Skål International Hungary and Budapest will hold a remembrance event devoted to George early 2021.

Wishing you a healthy 2021 and a speedy tourism recovery for us all,

Hugs and Skål from all Skålleagues in Budapest,

Péter Jávorkai

President & International Councillor

Skål International Hungary

Connecting Tourism Globally
